Welcome to Doves!


I am very proud of how the children have settled into their new classroom and routines. In Doves we love to learn and play! We have lots of different areas that we can explore and we like to challenge ourselves with our challenges all around the classroom.

Our topic for the first term is all about me. The children have enjoyed exploring the hospital role play area. In Science we have been learning about the different parts of our bodies, our five senses and what we use them for. The children loved using their sense of taste to try different foods – Lemon was the least favourite!

In English we have been exploring different books such as Owl Babies, Kipper’s Birthday, Funny Bones and The Tiger who came to Tea. The children have worked hard to retell these stories. We have been focusing on remembering to include capital letters, full stops and finger spaces within our sentences. The children have also been working hard on various writing challenges within our areas of provision.  We have daily phonics sessions where we follow Letters and Sounds and use Jolly Phonics actions to support or learning.

During Harvest time we read the story Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper. We looked at different fruit and vegetables that the farmers collect at Harvest time and then we decided to make some delicious pumpkin soup, we carefully followed instructions to make it and then enjoyed tasting it.

Our maths work this first half term has focused on writing numbers 1-10 as words, representing numbers 1-10 in a variety of ways, finding one more and one less than a given number and using number tracks, number lines and hundred squares to support our learning. We have recently been writing addition and subtraction number sentences and finding the missing number in a number sentence using our number bond knowledge.

Thank you for your support with the children’s learning so far by helping them with their weekly phonics, word lists, reading books and maths homework.