Welcome to Year 2

The children have had a great start to the year and have settled in really well. They are already showing sensible behaviour and maturity when tackling their work.

Our topic for the first half term was Traditional tales and the children loved learning about lots of different fairy tales. These included Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood and The Gingerbread Man. The children did some wonderful writing based around each of these stories and are becoming much more independent in the lessons. They wrote instructions for how to decorate their gingerbread man and then enjoyed following these instructions to decorate their own! They also loved receiving a letter from the Gingerbread man and decided to write him a reply. They are really engaging in every topic and are producing some lovely writing with imaginative ideas.



Linking to our Traditional tales topic, the children practised their sewing skills and then used a running stitch to sew their own finger puppet. They designed it to fit the success criteria and then made it successfully. They loved this activity and were so proud to take their puppets home!



Our new topic this half term is Winter Wonderland where the children are studying the Arctic. They are learning how to find this area on the globe and how the relationship to the equator determines the temperature of a country. The children are learning about all of the wonderful creatures that live in the colder regions and are learning how they are adapted to their habitat. In science, the children will be moving on to learn about the life processes and how to determine if something is alive, dead or never been alive.

In Maths the children have been looking at place value, addition and subtraction, money and are now moving onto multiplication and division. They have really enjoyed using practical resources such as the place value counters and base 10 to represent their understanding of number. The children have practised representing different numbers in a variety of different ways and are now able to draw tens and ones to represent each two digit number. The children really enjoy maths and are really confident and sensible when choosing equipment to support them in lessons.


In PE, the children were taught how to throw, catch and dodge. They then applied this over a series of lessons and eventually practised all of these skills in a game of dodgeball. They loved these games and there were a lot of red faces afterwards! The children are showing a competitive side and played really well, supporting their team mates. They have also been developing their skills within gymnastics this half-term and have been using the apparatus to travel and create their own sequences of movements. The children love getting the large apparatus out and are really pushing themselves to balance and climb.